Cadenza wheat TILLING lines growing at Church Farm.
The Germplasm Resources Unit collects your personal information to enable us to provide the service requested by you, namely the provision of seed stocks.
To do this we require your name, address, telephone number and email address, to enable us to contact you regarding your seed order and then to send the seeds by post or courier to you. This information is only shared with third parties where necessary to send the seeds to you e.g. We share consignment information when needed with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (DEFRA) to obtain phytosanitary certification for the sample prior to import. We will contact you to confirm receipt of the seeds after the expected delivery duration and occasionally after a period of time to verify your satisfaction with the service and contribution to your work or to update you with the correct way to acknowledge our service and funders in publications.
To comply with the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), if you ordered germplasm that is distributed as part of the Multilateral System of the ITPGRFA under the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (S-MTA, stating the ITPGRFA terms), we will also send your company (and/or personal) details to the Treaty Governing Body as stated in article 5e of the S-MTA.
We will share anonymised summarised data with third parties to show to report our breadth of work and its global geographical reach (e.g number of crop seed samples sent by country) No personal data will be shared through this process.
Information of service users is kept to ensure that we can contact one who have received seeds from us in case there is a need to notify of any biological problems e.g. if the material is found to be different to the expected or if a seed borne-pathogen is discovered.
The John Innes Centre is the Data Controller and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can contact the Data Protection Advisor for any queries regarding this policy, how your personal data is being processed, to exercise your rights and concerns if any by emailing
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